coping strategies

What to do when you feel like sh*t - 7 fantastic, free resources for tough times

It’s been a super challenging time for a long time now, and although there are awesome good things happening, we’re still living in a time of extreme uncertainty. It’s totally normal to have times where you feel it’s all too much (I do!).

Some things that have been getting me through:

  1. Loading up the You Feel Like Shit website, answering the questions, and following the prompts. (Note: seems to only work on desktop and not mobile.)

  2. Listening to and following this breathwork meditation, with headphones (sometimes alone, and sometimes with friends).

  3. Loading up a silly dance workout video, “Grumble Boogie” (see the videos tab). Always makes me smile and laugh, even when I’m crying!

  4. Laying down and listening to “yoga nidra for sleep” by Jennifer Piercy (also available free on the “Insight Timer” app).

  5. Loading up the sounds of rain in a forest or rain on a tent, or a cat purring, or a combination of these, using the free “Rain Rain” app.

  6. Listening to a podcast. My favourites include:

  7. Browsing art! You can see my available paintings on my website or scroll through my Instagram (includes timelapse videos of my painting process). People tell me this makes them feel brighter and more hopeful about the future. I also enjoy following Sarah Firth, Gorkie, Nadia Dusselberg, Nikki Frankel, and L M Martin.

Harassing strangers and begging them to let you take photos of their cute dog to look at later is also legit. ;)

Harassing strangers and begging them to let you take photos of their cute dog to look at later is also legit. ;)

What about you? Do you have other free tools that you’d like to share? Comment below!