Sometimes kindness is letting myself curl up on my bed and cry.
Sometimes it’s running a drawing class even though I wake up feeling it’s impossible. And coming away from it filled with a sense of love and connection.
Sometimes it’s getting myself out for a walk even though it feels too hard.
Sometimes it’s eating something at normal meal times even though I feel numb.
Sometimes it’s painting on my little balcony amongst urban jungle when all I want to do is be free and be with trees, my feet touching the earth.
Sometimes it’s letting myself cry in gratitude at the kindness of strangers and the small miracles (the last golden flash of afternoon sunlight, the bubbles of my kombucha tickling my tongue).
Some days it’s all these things.
Sending love to you today and hope you are meeting yourself with kindness and love, no matter how you are feeling. You deserve it. Always.
You will get through this time.
So will I.
We will look back on this time and be so proud of ourselves.
Keep going. Gently. One day at a time. It won’t be like this forever. 💚
What’s one kind thing you could do for yourself right now?
Want to draw with me?
I’m running one last free class this week on zoom! Friday, 7pm AEST, 19 August. Booking required.